
Course 1 (online)


28 November 2021
09:00 – 16:00 TRT (Turkey Time)

Participation Fee:

  • 0 Euros (student)
  • 50 Euros (academic)
  • 100 Euros (professional)

About the Course

Inversional structures and foreland basins are very important to unravel the tectonic evolution of sedimentary basins in the view of the more general Wilson cycle related to the plate subduction/collision processes. To illustrate the Wilson cycle and both extensional and compressional tectonic styles, crustal scale and industry high resolution regional seismic profiles will be used by the participants to unravel the architecture of sedimentary basins, from rift basins phases to passive margins and than foothills foreland and inverted domains. Case studies selected mainly in the Mediterranean-Middle East realms and worldwide in different types of Sedimentary basins will be also used to document a basin modeling workflow to reconstruct the kinematics/tectonic evolution and evaluate the overall petroleum potential of foreland basins and fold-and-thrust belts. Last but not least, some key regional structural sections and typical seismic structures will be presented and commented. The course will be illustrated by a set of exercises with typical inversional/foreland structures issued from different regions.


  • Contact

    Sami Khomsi

    Program Co-Chair
    FST, University Tunis El Manar, Tunisia
    King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia

  • François Roure

    François Roure

    Scientific Committee co-Chair
    Chief Editor – Track 15
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences
    IFP – Energies Nouvelles, France

François Roure is a Doctor of Structural Geology (1984, Paris VI), a professor and member of the Scientific Board of the French Petroleum Institute. He was also Extraordinary Professor of the IFP (French Petroleum Institute) at the VU Amsterdam University (2004-2014). Having joined CNRS in 1980, François Roure joined IFP Energies Nouvelles in 1984 as a project manager, became “Emirates” project manager in 2002 and manager of the JIP Tell-Offshore project (North Algeria Petroleum Reassessment with Sonatrach, Repsol-YPF and CNPC) in 2005. Since 2000, François Roure has been Professor and Expert at the French Petroleum Institute. He is the author of more than one hundred publications and communications. His scientific coordination work at the IFP was extensive, supervising many theses there. François Roure received the Charles Jacob prize from the Académie des Sciences (1996), the AAPG European Distinguished Lecturer award (1997) and the EAGE Wegener prize (2010).

Sami Khomsi is a structural-petroleum geologist. He works in the Department of petroleum geology and sedimentology, and in the Geoexploration departments in the faculty of Earth Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He worked also in different universities in Tunisia and France and was previously employed in Past in academia (research and teaching) and in the oil exploration industry.

Course 2 (online)

Chemometrics in Air Pollution

28 November 2021
09:00–16:00 TRT (Turkey Time)

Participation Fee:

  • 0 Euros (student)
  • 50 Euros (academic)
  • 100 Euros (professional)

About the Course

Air pollution is a widely recognized and global issue due to its deleterious impact on population and also our ecosystem. The deterioration of air quality may cause severe effect on human health e.g., respiratory or lung diseases, cardiovascular or heart diseases, and neurological dementia. Air pollution may also alter the global climate or radiative budget. Do you know, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), nine out of ten people breathe polluted air throughout the world? About 7 million deaths a year was potentially occurred due to the exposure to ambient and household air pollution. The surge of air quality occurs in many mega cities around the world including Southeast Asian cities (Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Singapore, etc.). In Southeast Asia, annual haze episode triggers over the entire region due to the biomass burning and low visibility. Air quality also declines in South Asian cities. Delhi, Dhaka, Calcutta, etc. are the great example for poor air quality particularly in winter due to dense fog and heavy industrial emission. Beijing is another vulnerable Asian city that often experiences very poor air quality. Haze over ambient air in Beijing that caused by the emissions from transportation and industries. Secondary atmospheric processes i.e., photochemistry also play great role to lower visibility. Photochemical smog occurs in many mega cities like California, Sydnie, Paris, etc. Photochemical Smog is the occurrence of brownish haze in the atmosphere accompanied by high levels of ozone and oxidants forming via photochemical reactions of volatile organic compounds and oxides of nitrogen in presence of sunlight. Air pollution is also well marked or spotted in the history. “London Killer Smog in 1952” is one of them widely referred in the literature. London smog claimed few thousands of deaths over a single week. This heavy smog occurred from the burning of low-grade coal that contains high Sulphur, smoke from home and industrial chimneys.

Thus, it has been an established fact that air pollution is a growing concern that we experience in our daily life around every corner in the World. But not everyone has a clear understanding of what the sources of air pollution are. Through participating the course, you will not only learn how to identify them, but also understand the potential impact air pollution has in our present and future. You will be able to learn the Chemometrics models, a new discipline in analytical science and how do Chemometrics models apply in mitigating the air pollution issue. You will also learn how the initial analysis or preprocessing of the data is a significantly important step in the use of Chemometric models. In this course you’ll be able to experience hands-on demonstration and apply the Chemometric model. You will find it a proficient and ideal tool mitigating air pollution.


Md Firoz Khan

Md Firoz Khan

Arabian Journal of Geosciences Editor (Track 4)
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science
University of Malaya (59th QS World Ranking)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Md Firoz Khan is an Environmental Chemist working as a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Science, University of Malaya in Malaysia since December 2018. He previously held a visiting professorship at the China University of Mining and Technology in China. He received his Ph.D. degree in Risk Management and Environmental Sciences from the Yokohama National University, Japan in 2010 as a Monbukagakusho Scholar (Japanese Government Scholarship). Prior to this, he received an M.Sc. in Air Pollution from the University of Birmingham, UK in 2004. During his university cursus, he studied at the University of Dhaka in Bangladesh where he received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Chemistry in 1994 and 1995, respectively. After his Ph.D. he conducted a post-doctoral research at the University of Tokyo, Japan during 2010–2011, then he joined the Centre for Tropical Climate Change System at the National University of Malaysia (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) in Malaysia as a senior lecturer and remained at this position till November 2018. His research interests cover a wide variety of topics in air pollution, source apportionment, environmental analytical chemistry and human health risk factors of the pollutants. Currently, he leads a research group focusing on air pollution with a number of students at undergraduate, postgraduate and Ph.D. level. He is the author / co-author of more than 90 journal papers and book chapters. Dr. Khan is serving as an Associate Editor to Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene (UC Press, Impact Factor 4.21) and Arabian Journal of Geosciences (Springer, Impact Factor 1.32).

Course 3 (canceled)

Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) in Earth Sciences

28 November 2021
09:00–16:00 TRT (Turkey Time)

Participation Fee:

  • 0 Euros (student)
  • 50 Euros (academic)
  • 100 Euros (professional)

About the Course

This course will cover basic topics, including legal guidelines and regulations in Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) and practical field applications with data processing experience in geosciences. It will provide an enhanced introduction to the UAS from a geospatial perspective, which includes but not limited to:

  • Sensors and platforms;
  • Remote sensing applications;
  • Operational requirements of the UAS;
  • Open source and commercial image processing softwares;
  • Generation of digital data products (i.e. point cloud, orthophoto and digital surface model);
  • Current rules and regulations for operating an UAS (especially in Turkey and some other countries);
  • The place of UASs in geosciences and applications

The course's primary purpose is to guide participants in planning and perform a safe and successful UAV flight in a variety of geological outdoor environments. Upon completing this course, participants will understand the main concepts and components that define UASs, design a UAS-based flight mission, learn how to process UAS-based data, and how to produce geospatial products while recognizing the potential applications.


Orkan Özcan

Orkan Özcan

Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences
Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey

Orkan Ozcan is an associate professor at Istanbul Technical University, Turkey. He received his B.Sc. degree in hydrogeological engineering from Hacettepe University, Turkey in 2004. He received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Istanbul Technical University within the Satellite Communication, and Remote Sensing Programme in 2008 and 2014, respectively. Dr. Ozcan worked at the Geography Department of the University of California, Santa Barbara as a doctoral fellow between 2012 and 2013. His research interests include remote sensing and multidisciplinary applications, unmanned aerial systems and land surface processes, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling.

Course 4 (online)

Earth Science applications of terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides

28 November 2021
09:00–16:00 TRT (Turkey Time)

Participation Fee:

  • 0 Euros (student)
  • 50 Euros (academic)
  • 100 Euros (professional)

About the Course

The galactic cosmic rays initiate outside of our solar system to reach Earth and produce a cascade of secondary cosmic ray neutrons during their downward travels in our atmosphere. At the upper few meters of Earth's crust, cosmogenic nuclides are produced in-situ and accumulate to measurable quantities over the geological time frames. For over half a century, cosmic ray interactions with the lithospheric nucleon have been found useful to solve various problems of Earth sciences. Several cosmogenic nuclides (3He, 10Be, 14C, 26Al, 21Ne and 36Cl) were used to determine surface exposure ages and give landform evolution rate. Some of them include the dating of past glacial retreats, the rate of fluvial incisions, and finding the earthquake reoccurrence intervals. The known rate of cosmogenic nuclide accumulation on Earth's surface allows us to determine the age of landforms and the degree of changes affecting the land surfaces, such as erosion rates. Among those nuclides, so far, the 10Be is the most applied cosmogenic nuclide. It requires Quartz, one of the most ubiquitous and resistant mineral that contains the needed target nuclides. Other cosmogenic nuclides are also providing measurable concentrations where the methodology could be applied. 36Cl is the most versatile in carbonate rocks. In this course, we will investigate the cosmic rays and the nature of interaction with terrestrial nuclides. Different Earth science applications of useful cosmogenic nuclides will be covered. The course will also teach the field sampling procedures and laboratory sample preparation techniques at ITU/Kozmo-Lab. The on-line age calculators and data repositories will also be presented.


M. Akif Sarıkaya

M. Akif Sarıkaya

Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences
Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey

M. Akif Sarıkaya is a professor of Quaternary geology at the Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences of Istanbul Technical University, Turkey. He graduated from the geological engineering department of Hacettepe University, Turkey in 1998. He received his Ph.D. degree from the Hydrology and Water Resources Department of the University of Arizona, USA in 2009. Afterward, he continued his postdoctoral research at the University of Nebraska, USA until 2011. His main interests are Quaternary geomorphology and cosmogenic isotope geochronology in various environments, including glacial, fluvial, volcanic and tectonic settings. He mainly uses 36Cl and 10Be to infer the dating and evolution of landforms. He is the founder and director of Turkey's first and the only cosmogenic dating lab (ITU/Kozmo-Lab).

Course 5 (online)

Introduction to Medical Geology

28 November 2021
15:00–19:00 TRT (Turkey Time)

Participation Fee:

  • 0 Euros (student)
  • 50 Euros (academic)
  • 100 Euros (professional)

About the Course

Geologic materials such as rocks, minerals, soil, natural dust, and water as well as hazardous geologic processes like volcanoes, landslides, and earthquakes continue to adversely impact health of people all over the world. In this short course we will examine these geologic materials and processes to explore the varied and unexpected ways they impact human and ecological health, leading not only to widespread and severe health problems but also delivering unanticipated benefits. Principal topics covered will include: overview of geologic materials and processes; impacts of trace elements, minerals, and ambient dust on human health; examples of how climate change and complex industries such as the waste management sector, including COVID-19 impact on medical waste; and how geoscientists and biomedical, and public health professionals can collaborate to find practical solutions to health problems. Case studies from Turkey and other countries will be used to illustrate the importance of medical geology. Some new initiatives in global health security, such as One Health, Total Health, Planetary Health and its relevance to Medical Geology will also be discussed. A copy of the paper titled Medical Geology (Hasan, 2021) published in the 2nd edition of Elsevier’s Encyclopedia of Geology will be provided to all participants.


Syed E. Hasan, PhD; RG; FGS

Syed E. Hasan, PhD; RG; FGS

Chair, Environmental Characterization and Remediation Technical Working Group, AEG
Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences
University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA

Syed E. Hasan received his Ph.D. (1978) from Purdue University in Engineering and Environmental Geology and joined UMKC in 1979. His expertise includes waste management, medical geology (geohealth), and geotechnics. He had introduced four new courses in waste management and designed and administered the Graduate certificate in waste management program. He retired after 35 years of teaching and research in the Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Missouri-Kansas City, where he also served as Director of the Center for Applied Environmental Research from 1998 to 2014. Dr. Hasan has supervised 20 graduate students for their master’s and doctoral research projects in environmental geology. He has published about 50 papers in refereed journals and has authored a college textbook titled Geology and Hazardous Waste Management (Prentice-Hall, 1996) that received the Claire P. Holdredge Award from the Association of Engineering Geologists (October, 1998) as an “outstanding contribution to Engineering Geology profession”. In June 2002, he received the Educator’s Environmental Excellence Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 7 as the 1999-2000 Outstanding Environmental Educator in the State of Missouri. In April 2005, the Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University honored him with its Outstanding Alumnus Award. Dr. Hasan is currently working on his second college textbook titled Introduction to Waste Management that will be published by Wiley in 2021.

Dr. Hasan is an elected fellow of the Geological Society of America (GSA) and a senior member of the Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists (AEG). He is a registered professional geologist in Missouri, and is listed in several major bibliographic publications, such as American Men and Women of Sciences; Who’s Who in Science and Engineering; Men of Achievement; and Top 100 Scientists, International Bibliographical Centre, Cambridge, U.K. He is active in several professional organizations: served as chair, Environmental & Engineering Geology Division (2008-09), and the Geology & Health Division (2010-11) of GSA; and is serving as an Associate Editor for GeoHealth since 2007, and a Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Environmental and Engineering Geoscience–a joint publication of GSA and AEG.

Dr. Hasan has been a two-time recipient of the Senior Fulbright Scholar Award from the U.S. Department of State, and taught courses in waste management and environmental science at Qatar University (spring 2016), and the University of Jordan (spring 2020). Besides writing scientific articles he mentors scholars from developing countries and advises them in application of geoinformatics in geotechnical site selection; and offers editorial tips to prepare papers for publication.

He lives in the Kansas City metro area.


Workshop 1 (canceled)

Bioremediation of mine waste

25 – 28 November 2021

Participation Fee:

  • 0 Euros (student)
  • 0 Euros (academic)
  • 100 Euros (professional)

About the Workshop

Globally, land and water resources are under immense pressure due to land degradation, pollution, population explosion, urbanization, and global economic development. Mine waste remediation is an integral part of sustainable development. Biodiversity is the tool box for bioremediation of mine waste and this field has grown phenomenally in recent years having taken birth about 3 decades ago. On the other hand, the number abandoned mines and metal contaminated substrates (water, soil and air) are increasing all over the world due to technogenic sources. Metals are the most prevalent inorganic pollutants/ contaminants and are widely used for a wide variety of needs starting with building materials to information technology and electronic gadgets. Thus, mine waste and metal contamination are a global problem and omni present in all most all technologically advanced nations.

Today with growing economy extensive industrialization and extraction of natural resources have resulted in environmental contamination and pollution. Large amounts of toxic waste have been dispersed in thousands of contaminated sites spread all over the globe. The challenge is to develop innovative and cost-effective solutions to remediate mine waste. In this direction, bioremediation is emerging as an invaluable tool to address this complex problem.

Various strategies are being applied to reduce the levels of contamination. Cultivation of industrial and environmental crops in metalliferous soils is one option. If the contaminant concentration is very high non¬food crops, value chain and value additions appear to be profitable.

The advancement in this field is towards production of diverse biofuels (solid, liquid and gaseous). Essentially the crux is revolving around bioenergy. Although bioremediation contractors must profit from the activity, the primary driver is regulatory compliance rather than manufacturing profit. It is an attractive exercise in the context of bioeconomy and circular economy. It is expected to cover the bottle necks and possible solutions to the existing limitations in field scale.

Bioremediation of mine waste to boost bioeconomy and circular economy provides a common platform for scientists from various backgrounds to find sustainable solutions to various environmental issues. This workshop will also address all the topical issues crucial for understanding the ecosystem approaches for a sustainable development. It provides an overview of ecosystem approaches, conservation of natural resources, resource recovery and pollution abatement and mitigation.

Workshop Sessions (Program)

For more details about the full conference program, see Program.

Session Congress Hall
Day 1 Thursday, 25 November 2021
Session 1
Convener: M. N. V. Prasad, University of Hyderabad, India
Opening remarks and setting the workshop
12:30~14:00 Lunch Break
Session 2
Speaker: M. N. V. Prasad, University of Hyderabad, India
Metal tolerance in plants and its application to mine waste restoration – global visible examples
Session 3
Speaker: Jan Frouz, CSc., Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
Biodiversity as a tool box for bioremediation of mine waste
16:00~16:30 Coffee Break
Session 4
Speaker: Laila Midhat, University Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco.
Remediation of rock phosphate mine waste
Day 2 Friday, 26 November 2021
Session 5
Speaker: Fábio Carvalho Nunes, Federal Institute Baiano (IFBAIANO), Santa Inês, Bahia, Brazil
Bioremediation in Brazilian mines (Part 1)
10:30~11:00 Coffee Break
Session 6
Speaker: Lander de Jesus Alves, State University of Santa Cruz (UESC), Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil
Bioremediation in Brazilian mines (Part 2)
12:30~14:00 Lunch Break
Session 7
Speaker: Marcin Pietrzykowski, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Krakow, Poland
Bioremediation of lignite combustion waste disposal site by Alders (Alnus sp.).
Session 8
Speaker: Adarsh Kumar, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Karabash copper mine (Russia) waste - strategies for phytostabilization

Speaker: Tripti, Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Copper tolerance in PGPR - role in stabilization of Karabash copper mine waste
16:00~16:30 Coffee Break
Session 9
Speaker: Woranan Nakbanpote, Mahasarakham University, Khamriang, Mahasarakham, Thailand
Cultivation of ornamental plants and tree crops on abandoned mines
Session 10
Speaker: Hemen Sarma, Department of Botany, NNS College, Titabar, Assam, India
Bioremediation of oil contaminated sites
Day 3 Saturday, 27 November 2021
Session 11
Speaker: M. N. V. Prasad, University of Hyderabad, India
Biological recultivation of mine industry deserts

Speaker: Zeba Usmani, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Vermiremediation as a tool for revegetation of mine waste
10:30~11:00 Coffee Break
Session 12
Speaker: M. N. V. Prasad, University of Hyderabad, India
Lignite mine waste restoration
12:30~14:00 Lunch Break
Session 13
Speaker: Ronan Courtney, University of Limerick, Ireland
Acid mine spoil characterization and acid mine drainage treatment
16:00~16:30 Coffee Break
Session 14
Speaker: M. N. V. Prasad, University of Hyderabad, India
Bioremediation of mine waste for promoting ecotourism, biodiversity protection and leisure
Day 4 Sunday, 28 November 2021
Session 15
Speaker: Subodh Kumar Maiti, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad, India
Asbestos and Chromium mine waste remediation in India
10:30~11:00 Coffee Break
Session 16
Co-Speaker: Ahmet Aksoy, Akdeniz University, Konyaaltı-Antalya, Turkey
Co-Speaker: M. N. V. Prasad, University of Hyderabad, India
Serpentine flora (terrestrial and wetland) for clean-up of mine waste (solid and liquid)
12:30~14:00 Lunch Break


  • Majeti Narasimha Vara PRASAD

    Majeti Narasimha Vara PRASAD

    School of Life Sciences University of Hyderabad (An Institution of Eminence)
    Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Majeti Narasimha Vara Prasad is currently Emeritus Professor at School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad in India. He received his M.Sc. (Botany) from Andhra University (1973-75) and Ph.D. (Botany) from Lucknow University (1975-79) in India. He has published over 216 papers in scholarly journals and edited 34 books. Based on an independent study by Stanford University scientists in 2020, he figured in the top 2% of scientists from India, ranked number 1 in Environmental Sciences (116 in world). The Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of India awarded him the Pitamber Pant National Environment Fellowship of the year 2007. He is also recipient of Excellent Scholar Award by the XIX International Botanical Congress, July 2017 in Shenzhen, China.

Workshop 2 (in-person and online)

Springer Author Academy: A step-by-step guide on writing and publishing your journal manuscript

26 November 2021
19:00—20:00 TRT (Turkey Time)

Participation Fee:

  • 0 Euros (student)
  • 0 Euros (academic)
  • 100 Euros (professional)

About the Workshop

Scientific publication must be seen as an important, if not the most important, part of the research process. It is a central piece of the process that makes science advance. The rapid progress in the trends of scientific publication is enhanced by the availability of many tools that did not exist before.

However, writing research papers for scientific journals is still not easy and is very competitive. It requires substantial effort which can be maximized by following a few simple guidelines when creating the product for submission. By following guidelines and avoiding common errors, the process can be streamlined and success realized.

Here, we share advice on how to effectively write and structure your paper. After producing data and generating ideas from your research, how do you write a clear and concise paper that attracts the attention of journal editors and readers? How should you prepare a cover letter to make a first good impression about your research paper? How should you respond to reviewer reports?

During this workshop, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide to getting you started right away at preparing a successful publication following this plan:

  1. What should be the motivation that can inspire you to accomplish a successful publication
  2. What to do before you start writing and how to efficiently prepare the needed literature
  3. Which kind of writing style you should learn/use
  4. How to logically link your ideas throughout the manuscript
  5. Which structure you should follow when preparing your manuscript
  6. How to present figures and tables
  7. How to shape appealing title and abstract after you finish writing
  8. Which journal you should chose and how you select the most appropriate journal
  9. How to prepare a cover letter to attract the attention of editors
  10. How to answer reviewers’ comments


  • Nabil Khélifi

    Nabil Khélifi

    Conference Supervisor
    Senior Publishing Editor, MENA program
    Springer, a part of Springer Nature, Germany

  • Giovanni Bertotti

    Giovanni Bertotti

    Associate Editor, Mediterranean Geosciences Reviews (Springer)
    Geoscience & Engineering, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Nabil Khélifi undertook fellowships at the System for Analysis, Research and Training (START) in 2005 and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), as part of his Ph.D. studies in Marine Geosciences at the University of Kiel in Germany (2006 to 2010). After his Ph.D., he received a research grant from the German Science Foundation (DFG) to conduct research projects at the GEOMAR Ocean Research Centre in Kiel, Germany on oceanography and climate reconstructions in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean (2010 to 2013). His research findings have been presented at many conferences and published in esteemed journals. He co-organized workshops on the Pliocene climate in Bordeaux, France (2009) and Bristol, UK (2013), funded by the European Science Foundation (ESF). In late 2013, he received the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship (SGES). In 2014, he joined Springer in Heidelberg, Germany as an Editor, was promoted to Senior Editor in 2017 responsible for managing 20 academic journals from the MENA region. He is also active in educational seminars for authors, reviewers, and editors to help improve publication output and quality. He is a Visiting Lecturer at King Saud University, KSA where he gives M.Sc. lectures on scientific presentations and publishing techniques, as well as career development workshops. Dr. Khélifi has launched two Springer conferences (more details at and In 2016, he was awarded the Africa Green Future Leadership Award for his promotion of publications from Africa. In 2020, he received the Saudi Society for Geosciences Award for successful management of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences.

Giovanni Bertotti is a full Professor at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences at the Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands. Following his MSc at the University of Pisa (Italy) he received his PhD at the ETH Zurich (Switzerland) after working on the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the M. Generoso basin. He then spent one year in North Africa tackling water-related problems in the Niger countryside. In 1991, his academic career started at the VU Amsterdam in the group of S. Cloetingh. There, he linked (mainly field) data and numerical models with case studies in Turkey (the Carpathians), Morocco and other countries from the MENA region. Since 2007 he has become more and more involved in research on fractured reservoirs. Starting in 2010, he spends not less than 60% of his time at the Delft University of Technology. He is essentially a structural geologist with wide experience in the field. He combines the scale of small outcrops to that of larger regions linking the structural geology with the tectonic approach. At the outcrop (and smaller scale), he is essentially working on outcropping analogues of fractured reservoirs, particularly those characterized by strong sedimentological (flat-topped platforms) and structural heterogeneities (folds). For data acquisition he uses a variety of tools inclusive of a drone and of digital tools. Together with his collaborators he worked on Permian siliciclastics (South Africa), folded Devonian quartz arenites (Morocco) and heterogeneous carbonate platforms (Italy and Brazil). At the larger scale, he is particularly interested in the post-rift evolution of rifted continental margin, especially those of NW Africa and SE America. He is also working on the birth and growth of the Central Anatolia plateau, Turkey. Side activities brought him to work in the Tyrrhenian Sea and the surrounding domains. His research works appeared in over 150 journal articles. Teaching is one of his passions. He gave a large number of courses at all levels from undergraduate to PhD. He led excursions and gave special courses in numerous universities. He is particularly interested in strengthening education opportunities in ME and African countries.

Round Tables

Round Table 1 (in-person and online)

An Overview of the Mesozoic to Recent Tectonic Agenda of the Northern African Basins, from Morocco to Egypt

26 November 2021
08:00—10:30 TRT (Turkey Time)

This round table is intended to gather different geoscientists who have worked or are currently working on the tectonic evolution and events at large scale throughout the sedimentary basins of North Africa. It will be a scientific platform to share knowledge and experiences on the big overview of the tectonic agenda and its relationships with the major geodynamic evolutionary stages of the Tethyan margin of Africa, from the Triassic Early rifting to the Late Cretaceous inversional phases related to the onset of subduction beneath the southern Eurasiatic plate margin. Such inversion processes continued over time throughout the Late Eocene Atlasic compressions and the final mechanical docking of the exotic ALKAPECA domain to the Western Tethys Maghrebian margin.

We welcome proposals for keynote presentations dealing with this issue!

Round Table/Discussion: An Overview of the Mesozoic to Recent Tectonic Agenda of the Northern African Basins, from Morocco to Egypt


  • Contact

    Sami Khomsi

    Program Co-Chair
    FST, University Tunis El Manar, Tunisia
    King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia

  • Mustapha Meghraoui

    Mustapha Meghraoui

    Program Co-Chair
    Editorial Board Member, Mediterranean Geosciences Reviews (Springer)
    Editor of Arabian Journal of Geosciences (Springer)
    IPG Strasbourg, France

  • François Roure

    François Roure

    Scientific Committee co-Chair
    Chief Editor – Track 15
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences
    IFP – Energies Nouvelles, France

  • Fida Medina

    Fida Medina

    Moroccan Association of Geosciences
    Commission of Natural Hazards
    Agdal, Rabat, Morocco


  • Claudio Faccenna

    Claudio Faccenna

    Full Professor, Department of Science, University of Roma TRE, Roma, Italy
    Chair of Structural Geology at the University of Austin, Texas, USA

Round Table 2 (in-person and online)

Principles and Methods of High Resolution Stratigraphy

27 November 2021
16:30—18:00 TRT (Turkey Time)

Even if the full potential of biostratigraphy is still to be realised in parts of the geological column, including primary taxonomic work in a field which is too often considered unfashionable remains the most powerful (and cheapest) tool to solve problems of geological correlations.

The degree of stratigraphical resolution that biostratigraphy can provide, for much of the Phanerozoic, has much higher discrimination than that obtained by other means. As such, magnetostratigraphy and chemostratigraphy can only reach their full potential if calibrated to properly established biostratigraphic scales.

The present workshop primarily addresses post-graduate students, but experienced geoscientists are also most welcome. Its aim is to give an updated overview of the methods in applied palaeontology and high-resolution biostratigraphy. It will showcase studies that stimulate discussion between participants.


  • Luc Georges

    Luc Bulot

    North Africa Research Group
    The University of Manchester, UK

Luc Georges Bulot is a Senior Research Fellow (CNRS) at Aix-Marseille University (France) since 1998 and a Research Fellow at the University of Manchester since 2017. He graduated from Dijon University, France, with an MSc in 1990, and from the National Museum of Natural History, Paris, with a Ph.D. in 1995. His career started as a Consultant for Lagoven SA in Venezuela, and then as an Assistant Lecturer at Grenoble University, France. Since 1995, he has acted as chairperson and/or regional coordinator for Lower Cretaceous Working Groups of the International Subcommission of Cretaceous Stratigraphy (ISCS/IUGS). His current research interest covers the Middle Jurassic to Late Cretaceous of the Middle East, Northern Africa, and South America. He currently leads the Biostratigraphy team of the North Africa Research group and co-leads with Daniel Aslanian and Marina Robineau (LCO/Ifremer/CNRS, Brest, France) a project on Ammonite palaeobiogeography vs. plate kinematics and sedimentary flux. His publications include over 100 papers on Jurassic and Cretaceous ammonite taxonomy, biostratigraphy and paleoecology, as well as many contributions on high resolution integrated stratigraphy. Luc is also an Associate Editor of AJGS.